Saturday 31 August 2013

"Let's start at the very beginning..."

A very good place to start, as Julie Andrews would put it. Well, first thing's first, my name is Alex. I'm 16 years old and I currently live in South Wales in the UK (no, I don't live in the mountains, my house doesn't have a straw roof and I'm not friends with sheep). In case you hadn't noticed from my profile description, I am not your average teenager. For some strange and fantastic reason, I have an obsession with the past, especially the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. My CD collection mainly consists of people who are either dead, retired or extremely elderly and I only have about 6 films from the past two years amongst the DVDs in my room.

I don't suppose you've heard of a little thing called Old Hollywood, have you? Well, if you haven't, I suggest you click away now as the majority of what will be appearing on my blog from here on in will have something to do with Old Hollywood, as well as other subjects that interest me, such as musicals, classic rock, movies and music. I do seem to have a slight obsession with the piano, too, although I don't play at all; but I plan to learn how come December.

Well, I guess that's the basics. The next few posts will be filling you in on myself in general, my likes, my dislikes, my passions, my aspirations etc.

While I plan these upcoming posts, I guess it's so long for now! Hope you can bear with me!
